VALI – paintings
Shop with original paintings
VALI master's production
VALI abstract paintings are exclusively original productions of JV INTERIÉR – PROFESSIONÁL. They are created in our newly opened workshop and are made by hand on very high-quality canvases. All images produced are always original and no copies are created. The paintings are produced in large formats and their color design is in a positive energy concept.
mistr Jaroslav Valášek
VALI - obrazy
ADRESS: Fr. Kupky 325, Dobruška, Dobruška, 51801
PHONE: +420 608 031 063
E-MAIL: jvinterier-profesional1@post.cz
PO - PÁ: 8:00 - 16:00
SO: work in the workshop
NE: work in the workshop